Posted on July 8th, 2016
A recent article in the Winston Salem Monthly discussed four key factors in the process of aging that were brought to the forefront in the recent Aging Re-Imagined Symposium. This symposium was hosted by Wake Forest University and the Translational Science Center. The article discussed research done by TSC members Christina Soriano and Glenna Batson and highlighted their work with improvisational dance and intervention in adults with Parkinson’s.
Posted on May 16th, 2016
Fox News Health featured beets as one of seven foods to boost mental performance. The article highlights work done by TSC researchers showing beet root juice helped to increase blood flow to the area of the brain associated with dementia in older adults.
Posted on April 28th, 2016
TSC members Anthony P. Marsh, Ph.D., Stephen B. Kritchevsky, Ph.D., W. Jack Rejeski, Ph.D. and Leanne Groban, M.D., M.S. contributed to the development of a preoperative self-reported mobility assessment tool. The tool predicted early postoperative complications, hospital length of stay, and discharge to a nursing home in older patients scheduled for elective noncardiac surgery. The study was highlighted by Tech Times.
The study, Self-reported Mobility in Older Patients Predicts Early Postoperative Outcomes after Elective Noncardiac Surgery, is published in the journal Anesthesiology.
Posted on February 28th, 2016
The Winston-Salem Journal featured the “Aging Re-Imagined” symposium hosted by Wake Forest University in an article highlighting symposium speakers, poster sessions and related events. The article recognized the interdisciplinary work facilitated by the Translational Science Center focusing on efforts headed by members Christina Soriano, Glenna Batson, and Christina Hugenschmidt.
Posted on February 16th, 2016 interviewed TSC director Daniel Kim-Shapiro concerning a study that showed improved endurance and blood pressure in elderly patients with heart failure through daily dosing of beet root juice. The interview can be read here.
Posted on February 16th, 2016
TSC members Dalane Kitzman, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Swati Basu, Peter Brukaker, and Jack Rejeski have published a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology-Heart Failure. The study found that a daily dose of beetroot juice significantly improved exercise endurance and blood pressure in elderly patients with heart failure. More about this study can be found here:
Posted on March 18th, 2015
Two TSC members, Jeff Katula and Christina Soriano, receive seed money from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) to support research on health and wellbeing. For more go to:
Posted on February 20th, 2015
Each year, the Wake Forest School of Medicine awards selected investigators, mentors and scientific teams that demonstrate outstanding scientific achievement . The 2015 winners have been chosen by the selection committee and will be recognized during the Research Awards Day Symposium on May 6th from 11:30 – 2:00 PM in the Commons Conference Rooms, Nutrition Research Center. The TSC congratulates Dr. Dalane Kitzman, MD, Professor, Cardiology, for winning the Established Clinical Investigator award.
Posted on December 15th, 2014
Daniel Kim-Shapiro, Ph.D. joins Richard Feynman on Upgraded Ape Show to discuss nitrates, beetroot juice and brain performance. He starts the show with Dany giving an overview of what nitrates and nitrate anions are and why they’re found in high concentrations in certain vegetables like beets. To hear the interview go to:
Posted on December 12th, 2014
Understanding how nitrite can improve conditions such as hypertension, heart attack and stroke has been the object of worldwide research studies. New research from Wake Forest University has potentially moved the science one step closer to this goal. To read more jump to: