Translational Science Center

First Year Seminar in Translational Science, Spring 2015

Fostering Independence in Aging

Every student must enroll in a FYS during their first year at Wake Forest and Explorations in Translational Science is a dynamic first choice.  A major, growing thrust in biomedical research and highly emphasized by the National Institutes of Health is that which translates basic discoveries in the laboratory to cures and treatments in the clinic. Translational science is not, however, strictly “bench to bedside”. Often discoveries in clinical trials produce results that inform basic scientists leading to new directions in the laboratory. This course will explore the fundamental processes in Translational Science and discuss inherent challenges. Examples of Translational Science that will be explored include that related to aging, sickle cell disease, and cognition. The course will involve a multidisciplinary approach spanning Biostatistics, Chemistry, Geriatrics, Health & Exercise Science, Neuroradiology, Physics, Physiology and Pharmacology, and Psychology, and will also include some practice in conducting translational research. Seminar sign up takes place during Spring 2015 class registration.

Professor Gary Miller, Department of Health and Exercise Science

Days:  TBA                  Location: TBA                              Spring 2015


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